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Paper Toys


Here at CreatableMe we think paper toys are the coolest toys ever. Why do we think that? Easy. Because paper toys are so much more than just toys made out of paper. Paper toys are art. They are crafts. They are engineering. They are collectable. And they are really cool toys. Here you will find many different types of paper toys to make yourself…

Illustrated Templates

Pre-designed fully illustrated character art from some of the best paper toy artists in the World.

Print, Cut, Fold, Glue and Play.

Color In Templates

Color inside the lines (or outside if you prefer) to create your own uniquely colored versions of pre-existing characters.

Print, Color, Cut, Fold, Glue and Play.

Blank Templates

Feeling extra creative? Add your own custom artwork to blank character templates to make them your own.

Print, Design, Color, Cut, Fold, Glue and Play.

For more amazing paper toys from artists all over the world, check out these super fun books…

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