The 5 C’s of CreatableMe focus on conscious creativity for both you and your little ones. These 5 C’s consist of consciousness, creativity, connection, communication, and character. Here we’re going to talk more about the fifth C, character. What exactly is character? Specifically, it is the mental and moral qualities that are distinctive to an individual. It describes who you are. Someone with good character would be one who possesses integrity, honesty, loyalty, and courage, for example. Though character is last on our list, as you can see, it doesn’t mean it is any less important. Developing one’s character allows for a better understanding of one’s self and personality. It helps you define who you are as a person. How are good characters built? A little bit of creativity and understanding can go a long way!
Developing Good Character
Our character, or the qualities that define us, is usually developed in our childhood. Though it can certainly continue into adulthood as well, we should always keep learning new things throughout our life. Sometimes when we learn new things, it can change how we previously thought or felt about something. That’s why character development can be an ongoing process. It can also help you gain a better understanding of yourself and who you are. When you better understand yourself, your mentality, and your morals, you will be able to help your children develop these skills as well.
We have found one of the best ways to help children build character is through creativity and play. This could be through creating fun character stories with books and toys, for example. Children learn a lot through stories and creative play. It helps them to understand things in good character that are valued, such as honesty and integrity. Even something like superheroes shows kids that being a good person and helping others are admirable qualities. Working on defining and developing your own character will help your kids learn, as well.
Characters in stories, movies, television, etc. are essential for our own character development. Many of them make an impact on our lives. Can you remember some of your favorite characters throughout life? What did they teach you or help you learn? We often model ourselves after characters we like without even thinking about it. That’s why actual character building in the form of a story, toys, or play can be an engaging activity that also encourages learning about ourselves and others. It helps with creativity while allowing us to get in touch with ourselves, values, morals, and character. The activity of creating characters helps us develop our own character while still having fun, creative play!
The Five C’s of CreatableMe
CLick on the icons below to learn more about each of the Five C’s
You are awesome! You are more powerful than you know. Be the greatest version of you. Be the hero of your life.